Survey Design and Administration

Survey Design is important!

A number of factors can impact the success or failure of a survey, namely the wording and order of questions. Consider these about your survey:

  • How long should the survey be?
  • What are the correct response anchors for my questions?
  • What is the best way to collect responses, web-based or paper version?
  • What about confidentiality?
  • Will participants receive a reward for participating?

But don’t take our word for it. According to the PEW research center, small wording differences have biased the results of some of the most prominent public opinion surveys in our history.

Our survey design and administration  services include survey creation, survey implementation, survey hosting, and survey analysis. We carefully design each survey on researched based questionnaire development and response anchor coding. Not just limited to survey design and implementation, we provide sample size analysis prior to implementation of each survey. Data are cleaned before analysis is conducted, ensuring validity and reliability are met.

Our web-based survey administration services include:


  • A welcome and instruction page introducing the survey.
  • A fully customized survey specific to your individual or business needs.
  • A survey complete page with an optional coupon and/or  re-direct to your business website.
  • Complete data analysis along with delivery of  an executive summary report, statistical summary tables, figures, bar charts, or histograms as appropriate.

Survey hosting

According to SurveyMonkey’s  website, their most popular package costs $300 annually, without any data analysis other than the standard frequency reporting. Although this can be paid monthly, responses cost $3 per internet response or $.10 per phone call. In most cases we can provide survey hosting services either through our html coding or survey servicing company account at a cheaper cost.

Let us host your web-based survey and take comfort in knowing your survey responses are being monitored and held in complete confidence.

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